actor "Hago el papel de Romeo en la famosa obra de teatro de Shakespeare." Question 1 with 1 blank "Escribo obras de teatro para
que las presenten al público." Question 2 with 1 blank "Dirijo a las estrellas y las cámaras para hacer películas." Question 3 with 1 blank "Trabajo con la computadora o con papel y pluma." Question 4 with 1 blank "Paso todo el día practicando las notas con mi instrumento." Question 5 with 1 blank "Soy muy famosa y estoy en las mejores películas." Question 6 with 1 blank "Me gusta escribir en versos, con palabras que riman (rhyme)." Question 7 with 1 blank "Hago grandes figuras de piedra de tres dimensiones." Question 8 with 1 blank "Sigo la música artísticamente con mi cuerpo." Question 9 with 1 blank "Pienso en la música y luego la escribo." Question 10 with 1 blank "Mi voz (voice) es mi instrumento."
<u>Translated from Spanish language:</u>"actor "I play the role of Romeo in the famous play by Shakespeare." Question 1 with 1 blank "I write plays to be presented to the public." Question 2 with 1 blank "I direct the stars and the cameras to make movies." Question 3 with 1 blank "Working with the computer or with paper and pen." Question 4 with 1 blank "I spend all day practicing notes with my instrument." Question 5 with 1 blank "I'm very famous and I'm in the best movies." Question 6 with 1 blank "I like to write in verses, with words that rhyme." Question 7 with 1 blank "I make large three-dimensional stone figures." Question 8 with 1 blank "I follow music artistically with my body." Question 9 with 1 blank "I think about music and then write it." Question 10 with 1 blank "My voice is my instrument."
In Spanish the word <em>"lógico"</em> refers to something that has sense, something logic. <em>"Ilógico"</em> is the opposite. Using <em>"i"</em> is one of the ways in Spanish to form negatives. Ilógico means that it has no sense.
Based on the reading (maybe attaching it would help) you need to identify whether the conclusions have sense and <u>match to the main ideas of the text.</u>
<u>A Mission Statement</u> defines the company's business, its objectives and its approach to reach those objectives. <u>A Vision Statement </u>describes the desired future position of the company.