A free enterprise system is what the USA has, a capitalist country where you can have the freedom for a lot of things to take actions allowed, also allowed to work your for your self. Socialism takes away the freedom where the money and business are owned by the government, if you oppose the government and speak out, you can be punished for death in cerian places like Cuba, Vietnam, Slovakia, Laos, North Korea Russia etc...
B. Syria
Palestine. After Middle Eastern lands were partitioned between European countries, France was placed in charge of Syria. After Middle Eastern lands were partitioned between European countries, France was placed in charge of Syria.
Many scholars accross the globe perceived that women dominated society is better than male dominating one. According to many of them, it could bring a drastic change in the economy of a nation.
The gender gap is real. Women across the globe need to maintain a balance between family and work and they have mastered in creating a proper balance. The economy of the nation is need to be revalued and equal opportunities to women must be provided at every point of their education, training, and career choices. A female dominating society can completely enhance the economic conditions as per study done by many scholars.
Mengaplikasikan ilmu sejarah dalam kehidupan seharian
President Lincoln successfully led the Union to victory over the Confederacy.