Natural slaves are those who don't think .
According to Aristotle, some people are "natural slaves" because they are the property of their master and obey their master in every aspects of their society. Some people are slaves by nature while some are the slaves of the law. The natural slaves are those who have no their own point of view, they only do what their master say to do. These peoples are slaves by soul and there is no other way just to obey their master. Slavery was "beneficial and just" for them because they think that this is an easier life than fighting for their rights.
When Upton Sinclair said, “I aimed at the public's heart, and by accident I hit it in the stomach,” he likely meant that his novel The Jungle made people more outraged about the meat they were eating than the injustices facing the typical meat industry employee.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton-
A women’s rights activist who drafted the Declaration Sentiments
Susan B. Anthony- A Quaker and women’s rights activist who voted illegally in the 1872 presidential election ...............
Fredrick Douglass Lucretia- A charismatic minister who also organized the first women’s rights convention
William Lloyd Garrison- A leading abolitionist who spoke in favor of the resolution on women’s suffrage at the Seneca Falls Convention ...................
Mott Lucy Stone
because is the one that has more info