Thomas Aquinas was an avid reader of Aristotle and sought to reconcile Greek philosophy with the collection of theological productions. He said that although philosophy and theology seem to disagree on some points, they only differ in their interpretation, since both seek the truth. Thus the religion of philosophers is to know the foundation of things, while theology is concerned with human actions.
Each voter was only allowed to cast one ballot with two names on it, according the Constitution. The Federalist candidate John Adams received the most votes. Adams defeated Democratic-Republican Thomas Jefferson by three votes, and Jefferson was elected vice president.
Federalist and Democratic-Republican parties participated in a presidential election for the first time in 1796. John Adams, a federalist, narrowly defeated Thomas Jefferson, a Democrat-Republican, by just three electoral votes.
In America, elections with candidates from several political parties were first held in 1796. According to Professor Pasley, the Federalist Party and Democratic-Republican Party used a variety of tactics to damage the reputations of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson.
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When it comes to Black Lives Matter, one can either be for it or against it. You cannot say “Black lives matter”, but then not back the movement (that just makes you part of the problem). But what is Black Lives Matter fighting for? The liberation and equal rights of all Black people. Why is that so difficult for people to get behind? BLM is not asking for special treatmen
Equal representation in congress
The states with larger populations wanted congressional representation based on population, while smaller states demanded equal representation.