If this is asking for the nearest hundred thousand, and not ten thousand, than you would round up to 100,000. 91,284 is close to 100,000.
Answer: 100
Step-by-step explanation:
a) The mean of a normal distribution is also the median. Half the population will have values above the mean. Half of 200 is 100, so ...
... 100 students will have grades above 70%.
b) 84% is 14% above the mean. Each 7% is 1 standard deviation, so 14% is 2 standard deviations above the mean. The empirical rule tells you 95% of the population is within 2 standard deviations of the mean, so about 5% of students (10 students) got grades higher than 84% or lower than 56%. The normal distribution is symmetrical, so we expect about 5 students in each range.
... about 5 students will have grades above 84%.
Answer 420.
a, is the first term. d is difference.
Since this is an arithmetic progression, I use this formula.
Un = nth term
Sn = sum of terms.
First find the number of terms, which is 20.
Then use the second formula to find the sum.
- p=0.7103 (4-game series)
- p=0.6480 (2-game series)
Step-by-step explanation:
Let X be the random variable equal the the first 4 straight wins. An overall win for the stronger team implies a negative binomial function with the parameters n=4, p=0.6:

#We find probabilities for the different values of i:

Hence, probability of the stronger team winning overall is:

#Define Y as the random variable for winning 2/3 games.:

Hence, probability of the stronger team winning in 2 out 3 game series is 0.6480
The stronger team has a higher chance of winning in a 4-game series(0.7103>0.6480)