It requires responding actively to another ... reflective listening consists of a step beyond what is normally thought of as ... Reflective listening can be grouped into two skill clusters :.
This can be reasonable to ask of a person taking the program but we are humans and our diets don’t necessarily go off a program that we take because some days people might eat better then other. All depends on what that person likes, the time they have to make or get food and the expense of it
ik for sure the secound blank is uterine lemme work on the seccound part
psychological moratorium.
A big part of identity crisis is the psychological moratorium.
During that time, a society ( parents, peers, teachers, etc ) forbid a certain individual to work on the problem and the resolution. While a young adult is put in the middle of this period, they have an opportunity to look better into society, rules, values, etc. Some people stay in the moratorium, while others find the way to break the shell and then, they find their position, place and role in the society they belong in.