I think it is it's amino acid sequence
Hope this helps!
Difference # Open Store System:
1. There is no specific storage area. Stores are maintained in the form of Suitable/convenient locations.
2. Every individual has access to anystorage facility.
3. After the receipt of the material it is delivered to respective department to expedite the production activity.
4. Chances of Pilferage high.5. Less emphasis on accounting control of the material.
Difference # Closed Store System:
1. All materials are stored in a closed/controlled area.2. No other person than the stores personnel is permitted in the area.
Materials can leave or enter the storage area only by authorised documents.
4. Maximum Physical Security.
5. Tight accounting control of inventory material.
The correct answer is eukaryotes engulfed photosynthesizing prokaryotes
The endosymbiotic theory or symbiogenesis is an evolutionary theory that traces the origin of eukaryotic cells from prokaryotic organisms. It explains that some of the organelles (Mitochondria and Chloroplasts) in eukaryotic cells evolved from free-living prokaryotic microbes which were ingested or engulfed. The ingested prokaryotic cells survived within the organism and developed a symbiotic relationship.
According to the theory, chloroplasts was formed when eukaryotes engulfed photosynthesizing prokaryotes and mitochondria was formed when bacteria capable of aerobic respiration were engulfed.
The bottom of the cleft is in the palm domain. It is lined with beta sheet.
During DNA synthesis, a single DNA strand is being built in by polymerization of nucleotides. These polymerization process is catalyzed by enzymes called DNA polymerase. These DNA polymerase can be visualized as an open right hand which is composed of a thumb domain, a finger domain and a palm domain. The palm domain contains a prominent beta-sheet that forms a plate at the button of the DNA-binding cleft.
The west Nile Virus is pathogen which caused the West Nile fever and encephalitis. The pathogen was introduced in 1999 in the Western Hemisphere and infected a major population in new york. It then expanded to 12 states and district of columbia. The major carrier of the pathogen was Avian and Mosquitoes species. In between 1999 to 2008, nearly 2500000 people were infected and nearly 1500 people died. Also there were thousands of cases of encephalitis or meningitis.