"Although it was largely reported that Hitler "snubbed" Owens for upstaging his prized Aryan athletes, in reality, he responded to a request to treat the winners equally and declined to publicly congratulate anyone after the first day of competition. Other reports indicated that the Fuhrer did salute Owens from afar, possibly influenced by the adoring reception the athlete received from fans."
We have things such as maps, scientific and math ideas, columns and pillars, an alphabet and a calendar that we all use to this day. Even our legal system is based on what Rome had been doing
The two warring classes of The Communist Manifesto are the bourgeoisie - the capitalists, or the owners of the means of production and the working class, called the proletariat, which works for wages and does not (directly or personally) own the company they work for.
Christianity, decadence, the metal lead in the water supply, monetary trouble, and military problems caused the fall of rome.