To evaluate ideas means to break down the information and comprehend the key subjects being voiced
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are major faiths that are examples of monotheism, or belief in one supreme god.
D) They are both used as warehouse for the unwanted
In the United States, prisons and mental hospitals are both used as warehouse for the unwanted because deviants such as criminals or mad individuals are hurriedly sent to prisons or mental facilities without much considerations for their emotional needs such as family. Families readily commit their relatives with mental health issues to mental facilities to get free of them,
The president on India is Ram Nath Kovind.
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Answer: d. directive called “do no harm.”
Under this directive, anthropologists have a primary ethical obligation to think about the possible ways their research might cause harm to the community being researched and to act against it.
Anthropologists should avoid causing direct and immediate harm and also weigh the potential benefits of their work against this.
This is why the practice of sharing ethnographic information on particular communities with nonanthropological institutions such as the military has been questioned under this directive as it could lead to harm to the community.