Down syndrome cannot be cured but they can go to <span>therapy, occupational therapy, and exercises to help improve their motor skills.</span>
it means you have trouble with someone but im not completly sure
Loss of muscular coordination
Answer: The ligament of the ovary.
Explanation: The medial pole of the ovary is attached to the uterus by this cord, the ligament of the ovary, also called the proper ligament of the ovary. The ovarian blood vessels cross the pelvic brim here, and pass beneath the peritoneum to reach the lateral pole of the ovary.
Answer: infant’s birthweight
Birth weight is the weight of the baby when born. A low weight is considered to be less than 5.5 pounds whereas a high weight is more than 8.8 pounds.
An infant born with low birth weight is too small, premature or both. This can happen due to many reasons such as health problems in mother, problems in the placenta, genetic factors, and drug used by the mother. The infant with low birth weight is susceptible to health problems. The infant may remain sick after birth or a few days after birth. The infant may suffer from delayed motor development.
An infant with a high birth weight than average is big because the parents are big, or the mother is diabetic during pregnancy. The infant may be at high risk of injuries during birth and problem with blood sugar.