Labeling theory deals with the phenomenon of signs imposed by society, when viewed as adolescents, these labels can be imposed by the influence of peers. Labeling theorists emphasize that no human behavior is inherently deviant. It's about the influence that peers have on the delinquent, where the labels imposed by peers are far less powerful than those that are imposed by formal social control. Most children commit some form of deviant behavior, if these are the initial forms of deviant behavior, according to labeling theory this is a primary deviance. There is also a secondary deviance, which is a phase in the theory of deviant identity formation, integrating it into the concept of self, which is being upgraded in the long run. In other words, some forms of deviant behavior will lead to more severe forms of deviant behavior. Usually secondary deviance refers to perpetrators who are already known for it.
Spartans believed in a life of 'discipline, self denial, and simplicity,' and so the purpose of education was, simply, to produce an army. When babies were born, soldiers came to check the child. If it appeared healthy and strong, they would be assigned to a 'brotherhood' or a 'sisterhood,' however if the baby appeared weak and small, the infant would be left to die on a hillside or taken away to be trained as a slave. It was 'survival of the fittest' in Ancient Sparta.
Male Spartan children were sent to military school at the age of six or seven. They lived with their brotherhood.School courses were very hard and painful for boys, and school was described as a 'brutal training period.'
Between the age of 18 and 20, Spartan males had to pass a fitness test that consisted of fitness, military ability, and leadership skills. If he didn't pass, he becams a person who had no political rights and was not even considered a citizen called a perioidos. If he did pass, he would continue to serve in the military and train as a soldier until he was 60, when the soldier could retire to live with his family.
</span><span>Girls were trained in their sisterhood, and were taught physical education. They also started school at the age or six or seven. It is unknown as to whether their school was as rough and hard as the boys', but some historians believe the two schools were very similar in their objectives, to produce a strong group of women. </span>
<span>At age 18, the Spartan girl also had to pass a fitness test. If she passed, a husband would be assigned to her, and she would be allowed to go home, however if she failed she would also become a perioidos. A woman in Sparta things were very different for citizen women than they were in other Greek cities, where women would stay home most of their lives and be controlled by their husband. In Sparta, women had a lot of free will and were almost as good fighters as the men.
<span>The fact that Ryan describes Heidi with the words: "Her boss knows what she has to offer and is confident with it."</span> means that Heidi is likely to have the potential to be a
transformational leader and is likely to
be a transactional
leader. Besides confidence, you will want to
develop high ethical standards,ability to contribute, willingness to work without asking for feedback.
Local: Many local businesses that are on the water during an algae bloom get less traffic at their store and have to deal with the fact that they are losing customers during this time.
State: Many tourists avoid the coast that has the algae bloom because getting in the water poses as a harm to them. Sometimes, if it gets too intense, the state might have to release algae bloom warnings that requires everyone to stay out of the water.
National: Some seafood comes from Florida and algae blooms can kill wildlife off, making it contaminated and unsafe for human consumption. This can hurt seafood sales around the nation.