Number of bacteria required 
Given -
Size of each bacterium
micrometers long
These bacteria are arranged end to end.
The size of chain to be formed is equal to
Let us say that in forming a chain of
centimetres nearly X number of individual bacterium are required.
hence, number of bacterium required to form
centimetres chain can be represented as

Number of bacteria required 
Firstly they are not membranes and they are villi's which increase the surface area during digestion
a. synergism
When two different drugs inhibit a single biochemical pathway of microbes less quantity of each drug is required in combination to produce the effect than when used separately. This effect is called synergistic interaction of drugs.
Both beta-lactam antibiotics such as penicillin and cephalosporin and clavulanic acid serve as beta-lactamase inhibitors and inhibit the beta-lactamase-producing bacteria. Therefore, beta-lactam antibiotics and clavulanic acid are used in combination to control these enteric bacteria.
The bacteria are autotrophs that oxidize hydrogen sulfide in vent water to, Other processes seem to take place very slowly at vents
The correct answer is peroxisome