A hostname is an indicator of compromise commonly used as a target for communicating with malware, hosting malware, or serving as a vector for attacking ...
What that means you letters
Depends on your hair type. And on your hairs growing speed. It can help your hair grow longer quicker.
If Ready-to-eat TCS items are to be kept for more than 24 hours, they should be labeled with a date by which they must sell, be eaten, or be discarded.
What measure should be taken while storing TCS food?</h3>
When keeping food, time and temperature are critical and must be closely managed. The received-on and use-by dates on stored foods should be clearly labeled. Food that is transported off-site must be tagged and kept at a specific temperature. This also applies to packaged items for self-service.
When left at the improper temperature for too long, TCS foods are more susceptible to bacterial development. TCS goods spoil more quickly and allow for harmful amounts of disease growth if not stored at the proper temperature. Foodborne disease could occur if dangerous pathogens are present.
For more information regarding TCS food, visit:
Cause of male infertility are:
- Abnormal sperm production or improper functioning because of undescended testicles
- Genetic conditions like Klinefelter syndrome
- Health problems such as diabetes or infections such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, mumps & HIV
- Enlargement of testes veins also result in low sperm count
Low sperm count symptoms are:
- Problem with sex activity - low sex drive or difficulty in maintaining the erection eg.Erectile dysfunction
- Pain or lump in the testicle area
- Decreased facial or body hair or other symptoms of chromosomal or hormonal disorders
<u>Klinefelter syndrome :</u>
It is a genetic problem in which a male is born with supplemental copy of X chromosome. It usually occurs as a consequence of genetic purposeless error after the conception.
Signs & symptoms include:
- Taller than average stature
- Absent, delayed or incomplete puberty
- Small & firm testicles
- Small penis
- Enlarge breasts ( gynecomastia)
- Long legs, short torso & broader hips in comparison with other teens
Treatment of low sperm count include:
- Surgery: A varicocele can be corrected surgically or vas deferens can be repaired
- Treatment for sexual intercourse problems
- Hormone therapy & medications
- Assisted reproductive technology
- Treating infections