Having a high amount of student loans and tuition debt means that your FICO score will reflect this amount of debt and if it is defaulted on even once or timely payments are not made, your credit score will suffer which will make life so much harder in a country like the U.S.
For a long time after college, you will probably be unable to buy a house unless you find a really good job that will help you pay off the student loan. This is because the loan already means that you have a high debt burden and then keeping up with both those payments and mortgage payments can be difficult.
- Forgoing your dream career
A lot of the time, people are forced to give up the life they wanted in order to pursue another job that will enable them pay off their student loans especially in cases where their dream careers don't pay much or will take some time to pay off.
“The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County” is a short story written by Mark Twain. It was published in November 1865 in the New York Saturday Press. This story preceded the novels that made Twain famous, including The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. For the public in the United States, it cast Twain as a master of humor and dialect.
In the story, a narrator from the East visits a mining camp during the gold rush in California. His friend sent him to find information about a Reverend Smiley. He encounters Simon Wheeler, who begins to tell him a story about a Jim Smiley. Wheeler tells a tall tale about Jim Smiley’s gambling.
Answer: 1. To create a safe space when coming back to school, all teachers should be a bit more appreciative when their students atleast attempt to participatwe.
explained best in paragraph three