The hexadecimal numbering is the most used numeric system for international operations in a computer, in our daily life we use the decimal system but for the CPU use the byte or octet as a basic unit of memory, we need more than 10 digits, and the hexadecimal system has 16, in addition, the binary system is hard to understand.
taking a guess here : a lone.
hope this helps.
A virtual privte network is a particular type of network that uses circuits that run over the Internet but that appears to the user to be a private network.
Complete the sentence with the words below stop push direction slow down move shape speed up pull A force is a. or a.
The problem that created due to the difference in the model of programming language and the database model.
The practical relational model has three components which are as follows
1. Attributes
2. Datatypes
3. Tuples
To minimize this problem
1. We switch low pass L-Network to high pass L-network
2. We switch high pass L-Network to low pass L-network
3. We use the impedence matching transformer