The colors in her art project included splotches of brown, patches where it was yellow, and green streaks everywhere. This is a parallel.
Our favorite pastimes are spending time at the library, to ride around through the countryside, and huge banana splits to share. This is not parallel
That tribe of Native Americans was famous for weaving rugs, shaping pottery, and designing turquoise jewelry. This is parallel
Parallel structure means that the items included in a list must be in the same form, in the first case there are nouns and in the third case the list is on gerunds
Survival is the act of living through something life threatening. example: defending yourself against a robber and winning.
When writing a sentence, you will have a main idea, and you may also have a subordinate idea, a clause that has less importance than the main idea. Subordinate ideas, sometimes called a subordinate clause or a dependent clause, can help you prove or establish the importance of the main idea in your sentence. Knowing how to identify a subordinate idea will help you strengthen your writing skills.
The literary device that the author used in the passage is hyperbole. A hyperbole is a figure of speech that uses extreme overstatement or exaggeration to have a humorous, ironic, or heightened dramatic effects.
Example: I am so hungry I could eat an elephant.