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Projection is a defense mechanism that involves individuals attributing their own unacceptable thoughts, feelings and motives to another person. Colleen displays the characteristics of being dependent on others and lazy by letting others do things for her; however, she does not acknowledge having such negative habits, hence, she transfer the blame on others.
Answer: Regulators promote the interests of the firms they regulate.
Explanation: Capture theory of regulation asserts that regulators promote the interest of the firms they regulate. The result is that an agency that are charged with acting in the public interest, instead acts in ways that benefit the industry it is supposed to be regulating. Capture theory of regulation is a theory that explains agency established to regulate an industry for the benefit of society acts in the opposite to promote the benefit of the industry.
Regulatory capture is an economic theory which asserts that regulatory agencies may come to be dominated by the industries or interests they are charged with regulating. The captured agency begins to advance the interests of the industry rather than protecting the consumers. Problems arise when a regulating agency acts in the interests of regulated industry to the detriment of the general public.
Answer: Consistency and Accuracy
Consistency tends to prove how reliable a test can be while to know it's validity we check how accurate it it is.
According to Piaget's framework, Ernesto can't conserve and Lara can <em>conserve</em>. According to Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development conservation of matter is a process. Ernesto has seen the changes in the dough but he thinks there is more matter. On the other hand, Lara has seen the changes too, but she realized that the amount of dough is the same before and after the changes. No dough was added or taken from the original amount. This is called reversibility and is a necessary condition to acquire conservation.