Today I wanted to go out, but I was so sleep deprived I could faint at the spot. I decided to go make some breakfast, pancakes seemed good. I kept messing up because of how tired I was, and was left with a diminishing cardboard looking pancake. Eh, I was just save it for later.. I thought to myself. I had the tendency to still go out, despire being tired. I mean, it's not going to stop me isn't? As accustomed, I went out to my car and drove off to the supermarket to buy some food. It was so hard to focus on the road and I kept closing my eyes, that lead to me having a disastrous accident that damaged me and my car immensely. I got tickets as well and rested at the hospital until I healed.
This is a monologue because only one person speaks
For the present purposes, our interest in the romantic poets is less for
the sake of their own convictions than for ascertaining the nature of
their influence on English society. In their critique of modern society
the Lake poets, in common with so many nineteenth-century critics,
tended to idealize the medieval period. The new industrialism they
believed carried with it a dehumanization, a loss of many values that
the Middle Ages had honored by preserving the religious heritage of