Non republican or democratic ideas.
In the United States of America, the third-Party term is used to recognize all the political parties different from Republican or Democratic political parties which are the two main influences in politics all over the country. At the moment some of the parties that are considered as third-parties are: Libertarian party, Green party, Socialism, among others.
The Treaty was fair in the sense that it could be justified by the Allied powers. It was not wise in that the harsh conditions of the treaty set the stage for world war II. Germany had declared war on France Russia and England after Russia declared war on the Austrian Hungarian Empire.
Modern medicine, war mechanisms
Acid rain etc.
Climate change, ocean acidification, carbon emissions, urbanisation, wastewater treatment, ozone depletion, water contamination, species extinction, and other environmental issues affect every individual, plant, and nation on earth.
These worldwide ecological threats are unlike those that mankind has previously encountered.
"Islam" is the religion among the following choices given in the question about which the statement in question is true. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is the first option or option "A". The other choices are incorrect and can be easily negated. I hope the answer helped you.