Kush, Gold, Ivory, Egypt, Papyrus, and Grains!
Mass production facilitates the efficient production of a large number of similar products
Answer: The result was a result of the company's decision to lower wages. The organization lowered the wages while keeping rents in its company town high. The strike brought American railroads to a halt.
Explanation: The Pullman Strike affected rail transportation nationwide, essentially bringing American business and railroads to a halt. The workers resented not only cut in wages, but management's intrusiveness into their personal lives. The government however became involved, federal troops was sent to open railroads. The strike was a result of the company's decision to lower wages. The organization lowered the wages while keeping rents in its company town high.
Between-Subjects Design
The advertisement was shown to two different groups of people because Between-Subjects Design was used. This type of design determines that a research will bring together two groups of people, where each person, of each group, will only be exposed to one treatment of the experiment, that is, to a tested element, having not counted on the other treatment of the experiment. This allows the research to be able to compare the results of each treatment in different people.