the billions of cells that originate from one parent cell
requires that mitochondrial ATP synthesis and electron flow through the respiratory chain be obligately coupled.
The chemosmotic model was a concept formulated by Peter Mitchell, who stated that during the phases of electron transport in the respiratory chain, an intense release of energy occurs. This released energy allows hydrogen ions to be transported from within the mitochondrial matrix to the intercellular medium. The result of all of this is the occurrence of a chemosmotic gradient. However, when interpreting what occurs in the chemosmotic model, we can see that this model requires that the mitochondrial synthesis of ATP and the flow of electrons through the respiratory chain must be coupled.
<span>from low concentration to high concentration</span>
The appropriate response is aponeurorrhaphy. Aponeurorrhaphy alludes to the stutured of an aponeurosis, which is the more profound and thicker band of stringy connective tissue appending muscles to bones. It is a strategy in which the solid sheet of tissue that fortified the patient's muscle to close-by bone.