speaking the truth is always good unlike the lies. Lying always causes trouble. Sometime it ruins the relationship between friends, families or other relatives. sometimes speaking truth may hurts somebody for that we may tell a small lie. But big lies can be easily mixed up. sometimes small lies are ok but truth always has a better output.
Besides Jim Anderson who is also a boy, there were three other boys namely:
- Mule
- Mongoose and
- Milo
The other boys were introduced in chapter one when Jim meets them. They had considered him somewhat a laughing seeing that he was not bare-footed as they were. He had his feet "covered" with shoes.
Later on in that chapter, he tries to join them but they would not agree easily. They agree on one condition that he would perform an impossible task. So in order to become part of their "club", they ask him to catch a hawk alive.
Answer: a. A toddler learning the alphabet.
Acculturation is the process by which a person assimilates to a culture that is not their own. This culture will typically be the main one in the society they are in. They will do this by adopting the beliefs, customs and value of the culture they are assimilating to.
Babies learning how the alphabet will not fall under acculturation because the alphabet is a part of learning that all humans must go through so the baby is essentially learning their own culture not that of another.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
Reducing trash helps us by wasting less resources, and slowing global warming.
Reusing lets us reuse our old things, such as paper.
Recycling plastic bottles gives the bottle another life.