A pronoun is a word used in the place of a noun.
A pronoun (I, me, he, she, herself, you, it, that, they, each, few, many, who, whoever, whose, someone, everybody, etc.) is a word that takes the place of a noun.
Example sentence: Joe saw Jill, and he waved at her. The pronouns <em>he </em>and <em>her </em>take the place of <u>Joe </u>and <u>Jill</u>, respectively.
The story, "The Dark Brown Dog", is about a boy who came upon a dark brown dog and it ended up following the boy home. the boy tried to make the dog run away but his efforts were useless. the boy brought the dog home to his family and they decide to keep him. Over time they form a bond. when the dog is not in sight of the boy it gets abused and that abuse haunts the dog and he has nightmares through the night. the only thing that makes his nightmares better is the boy. so basically this story is about how a boy and his dog build up a relationship but the people around them affect the dog
Freedom is to be able to connect with our responsibilities. By taking charge of things, we get to experience immense happiness and satisfaction. It gives us a chance to know how much of a workload we can handle at a time and how well we are able to manage. Freedom is the basis of reason. To be able to question everything before blindly accepting my fate. To question what is right and what is wrong without being afraid of any threats. Freedom to me is the only way for a caged bird to achieve happiness. I am free. Hope this helps!
Poet is using personification
<em>Frozen branches—heavy with ice arms— Couldn't perform their dance</em>
Trees and brances can't dance, but the poet is giving them human possibilities.
Personification is a way of giving human feelings to objects, plants, animals, and abstract concepts. By reviving things, phenomena, in general, something inanimate, they create images that have a strong effect on the reader.
I believe that the answer is A.