<u>An advertising agency wants to test the hypothesis that the proportion of adults in a country who read a Sunday magazine. The null hypothesis is equal to 25 percent that the proportion reading the Sunday magazine. </u>
Further Explanation:
Hypothesis testing:
Hypothesis testing refers to a process in which the individual, corporation or agency tries to find out that the fact is correct or not by using the various means of technique. Hypothesis testing is one technique. In this type of testing, a hypothesis means to assume that the particular statement is true after the statistical tools, it is found that whether the statement is true or not. There are of mainly two types of hypothesis which is the null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis.
Null hypothesis:
The null hypothesis is that assumption which assumes to be true. In this situation, the agency wants to test the hypothesis that the adult in a country is equal to 25 percent, who read Sunday magazine. This is the answer to the null hypothesis which equals 25 percent.
Alternative hypothesis:
An alternative hypothesis means that assumption which may be true or not. If the null hypothesis is true, the alternative hypothesis is automatically wrong. If the null hypothesis is false, the alternative hypothesis is automatically true.
Learn more:
1. Learn more about egg viability hypothesis
2. Learn more about organizing data
3. Learn more about hypothesis
Answer details:
Grade: Middle School
Subject: Business
Chapter: Hypothesis testing
Keywords: an advertising agency, test the hypothesis, proportion, adults, country, Sunday magazine, 25 percent, null hypothesis, alternative hypothesis, true, false, technique, technique, statistical tools.