A bar graph is very similar to a line graph in the sense that it is designed to show different values of two or more subjects but instead of using lines it using horizontal and vertical bars that represent a different value.
An allele is a viable DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) coding that occupies a given locus on a chromosome. Usually alleles are sequences that code for a gene, but sometimes the term is used to refer to a non-gene sequence. An individual's genotype for that gene is the set of alleles it happens to possess.
A) The data to support his hypothesis, so he should investigate if the same change happens in the density of solid water.
Each of a Number of small areas of habitat, typically of one square meter, selected at random to act as samples for assessing the local distribution of plants or animals.
The best option is D. Based on scientific evidence about algal bloom, it would be best to evacuate all humans from the area around the lake. Algal bloom is caused by excess nutrients in the lake. This occurrence is linked to the death of fishes, plants, mammals and birds. Also. it has been said to cause human illnesses. Thus, to avoid this, it would be best to stay away from the lake with algal bloom.