I need some time i answering your question please follow me and thanks
Cooper Black is an ultra-bold serif typeface intended for display use that was designed by Oswald Bruce Cooper and released by the Barnhart Brothers & Spindler type foundry in 1922.
Hard to see, if you make it normal size I might b able to help
embedded computer
Based on the information provided within the question it can be said that the computer that determines this is called an embedded computer. This is a microprocessor-based system that is uniquely designed in order to perform a single specific task. Once it does so, it saves the information and can be used in a much larger system such as a car dashboard system.
Try restating system software and delete anything that may have caused the online fraud then remove all credit cards and info on the device. Tell the authorities and get a new device and email with a software protector. When doing this DO NOT DO WHAT YOU ORIGINALLY DID TO GET VICTIMIZED AND (DON'T TRY TO SIGN INTO YOUR PREVIOUS EMAIL ON A NEW DEVICE)