Pretty sure its a group of two or more computers that are linked thogether
No, this website is not for study groups. It's more of a 'question and answer' website. There is no actual communication on one certain subject. Although I do know a few websites that have worked really well for me,where you can create and participate in study groups;
- studyhall
- getstudyroom
all of these are safe websites that are used by wide variety of students, therefore i'm sure you can find plenty of people interested in learning the same things as you!
I think you can call it to a Network Switch, but LAN is always used device network: Hubs and Switch or maybe Connect Device or Cable.
the advantage is the better the tech. the easier life gets
the disadvantages is the better it gets. the more danger it puts us in (depending on the tech) and the more lazy we become
Microsoft Excel and Microsoft word are the part of the MicrosoftOffice Package of productvity software.