In a deep wound, there might be a few layers of tissue that need to be rebuilt because they were lost. In this rebuilding process this pebbly texture can be seen and it indicates that granulation is taking place (that's the process). Granulation is when small blood vessels and capillaries start to develop vertically to the outside part of the wound, being supported by connective tissue, and surrounded by cells of many other types for different purposes, such as immunitary functions or specialised tissue functions. This tissue growing is characteristic of healing and it presents this granulated/pebbly texture to it.
changes of state are physical changes. they occur when matters absorb or loses energy. processes in which matter changes between liquid and solid states are freezing and melting period processes and which matter change between liquid and gases states are vaporization, evaporation, and condensation
An endoskeleton of calcified cartilage
An electromagnetic wave
An electromagnetic wave is a transverse wave that can travel across space as well as through matter. When it travels through space, it doesn't lose energy to a medium as a mechanical wave does.
The genetic change causes alterations in only one or a few nucleotide bases in known as mutation.
A mutation is a change in a brief section of a genome's nucleotide sequence. Another frequently replaces one nucleotide in point mutations; other changes involve the insertion or deletion of one or more nucleotides.
Errors in DNA replication or the harmful effects of mutagens, such as chemicals and radiation, which react with DNA and alter the architecture of individual nucleotides, are the leading causes of mutations.
DNA repair enzymes are present in all cells and work to reduce the frequency of mutations. These enzymes reduce genetic information loss, double-strand break formation, and DNA crosslinking by repairing DNA damage.
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