Answer: The World Trade Center Towers fell on September
Explanation: Please don't simply copy and paste your questions; sometimes the formatting goes all wacko, like it did here. Also, double-check that ALL the information pertaining to the question is included; I'm not entirely sure that this answer is correct, due to the fact that there is no "line" to even read. :)
the oldest, the world
Who is the oldest leader in the world?
It makes more sense.
WW2, Romanian, The largest and most notorious nazi extermination camp, He wrote the book to show his experiences to people and how those experiences impacted him as a person and his Jewish faith.
Official definition of 2:
The Auschwitz concentration camp was a complex of over 40 concentration and extermination camps operated by Nazi Germany in occupied Poland during World War II and the Holocaust. It consisted of Auschwitz I, the main camp (Stammlager) in Oświęcim; Auschwitz II-Birkenau, a concentration and extermination camp built with several gas chambers, and many others that don't really apply to your question.
She is representation of the women who worked in shipyards and factories during World War II. She is shown in pictures flexing her muscles and saying “we can do it” representing women’s strength