Answer: it acts as a water filter as groundwater moves through it
Soil is a medium in which life is sustained through plant growth, the recycling of matter and nutrients, and the purification and cycling of water. Soil can act as a sponge to purify water, and thus plays a role in water quality.
This is because fluids have a polar nature, so they couldn´t cross the lipidic bilayer that constitutes the plasma membrane
Plasma membranes are contituted by lipid bilayers. These kind of compounds are hidrophobic (they reject water) and don´t permit the freely passage of hidriphilic molecules that can disolve in water, constituing fluids. Because of that cells developed transport mechanism like endocytosis.
Pluto is big enough to be considered a dwarf planet, but it has not been classified as such in some peoples views such as Quaoar and Sedna.
The both reach the otter layers of the solar system just like Pluto and are as I said above big but not big enough to be considered a dwarf planet
by the movement of electricity