Prior to the beginning of the civil war, citizens from the south supported Stephen Douglas. However, the Lincoln Douglas debates caused a drastic split in the Democratic Party.
The GI Bill and its Impact on the U.S.: The GI Bill is another name for The Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944. It was passed about a year before the end of World War II in order to help veterans returning from the war to readjust and thrive in American society.
It is because they want to
Like Italy, Germany had quite a few serious issues to resolve once unification took place. Regional differences, developing since the first settlement of the Germanic tribes during the Roman Empire, were distinct, and local princes refused to give up substantial power to the central government. The Berlin assembly, therefore, was kept weak. Germany, like the United States under the Articles of the Confederation, seemed merely a loose of confederation of autonomous states. In Germany's case, one state, Prussia, was absolutely dominant due to its size, power, and military strength. This, combined with Bismarck's skillful conduct in international and national affairs as chancellor, kept the empire together until 1914.
Three ways that the civial war impacted plantation owners where by....
1.) The plantation owners could no longer use unpaid slave labor to plant and harvest their crops.
2.) The plantation owners lost a great deal of their wealth since they could no longer afford to bring crops to market.
3.)The wives of the plantation owners now had to be responsible for cooking, child-rearing, and cleaning that was previously done by the slaves.
Hope this helped!
Have a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious day!