In economics a demand is defined as the quantity of goods and services that customers are capable to buy and that they find desirable to buy at a particular price for that period of time .
Demand is dependent on the customer's needs and wants each customer may have different things that they consider to be needs to them and those they consider as just wants.
This also depends on affordability, if one doesn't have the money to buy the product then the demand isn't effective.
When the price of the product rises usually it's demand decreases and vice versa when the price fall the quantity of that product demanded will increase.
Specific instances Reasoning was Bruce used when he argued that all U.S. state capitols have domes because in his travels he saw more than a dozen capitol buildings that had domes.
It is sometimes called multiple perspectives because the author accepts multiple positions as truth. Deductive reasoning moves from generalized principles known to be true to true and concrete conclusions.
Overestimate what is perceived or portrayed as “new”. For example: "If you're trying to lose weight, you should follow the latest dietary trends. They always do the best job." Underestimate what is perceived or painted as "old".
Deductive reasoning refers to arguments that derive details from what is already known and include syllogisms. The premises leading to the conclusion must be true and relevant for the argument to be valid.
Learn more about Specific instances here
A the government is failing because the president shut it down which made people not get their checks so, since they did not get their checks other people who work for the government are looking for other jobs which is making the system fail
Advance fee fraud
An advance-fee fraud or scam can be defined as the way in which a fraudsters or a 419 persuade his/her victims to deposit some amount of money by promising the victims a share of a large sum of money in return for the deposit he made.
Example the fraudsters may tell the victims or convince the victim to deposits $200 in return for $1,000 in which the victim may unknowingly fall for by thinking that the deal is real .
In this method of fraud the money which are often purportedly to be deposited in a victim account are often described as money that must be quickly transferred out of a country due to a number of reasons.
In another word Advance fee frauds is the process of asking a victim to pay some amount of money in other to receive large sum of money and for the deal to go through in which the victim is convinced to advance money to the stranger.
Therefore In the context of online crime, in a(n) ADVANCE FEE FRAUD the perpetrator offers to share the proceeds of some large payoff with the victim if the victim will make a "good faith" deposit or provide some partial funding first.