They should tested more people
To conduct an experiment, they have to collect many data, repeating the experiment multiple time, design the study etc .
The method used in this scenario is wrong, the outcome of their experiment is based on one sample and the experiment was only conducted once with test of validity.
The result gotten this research may had been because of preference in their reading environment
Joe might like listening to music while he studied which gives him edge to performed well.
Before they can come to a conclusion, they have to involve many individuals in the study
Answer: Normative ethics would generally ask what right action is. ... Metaethics, on the other hand, would call into question what it means to say that any action is "correct", whether this type of evaluation is objective or subjective, universal or particular
Explanation :
The loss of a lost one, especially one as meaningful as a husband, can be devastating and even harmful for anyone. What will make a difference on whether the person will be able to pull through, or not, are two things, two inner, two external: personal strength, given by a person´s personality qualities and belief system, and the second, the cultural and social bases that the person has, meaning, support networks, socialization, religious beliefs and family.
Given the case of Sylvia and Joanne, although both women have taken the death of their loved ones very hard, and given that we do not have any further information on them except that one has a belief system based on religion, and the other doesn´t, we can predict that Sylvia counts with two factors, mentioned above, that will help her heal much faster than Joanne, even if both women may find that relief at some point. Sylvia has the strength of inner belief boosted by religious beliefs, which provide columns on which she can lean to understand what happened, make sense of it, and thus heal. And two, she also will have access to a broader network of support, because religious groups tend to become some of the strongest networks for people.
Learn from the experiences of child survivors can encourage government policies to avoid genocide and its atrocious effect on the survivors, especially children.
Inge Auberbacher published "I Am A Star: Child of the Holocaust" as a recollection of her experience in a concentration camp.
Zlata Filipovic wrote "Zlata’s Diary" to describe her experience during the genocide in Sarajevo during the 1990s.
Any study about genocide offers valuable lessons for the present and especially to not allow history from repeating itself.
Particularly, the experiences of child survivors can encourage policies to avoid genocide and its atrocious effect on the survivors, especially children, because they need support to be able to reinsert themselves into society, to understand and help them cope with the trained behaviors they show as a result of their experience, and to help them deal with "survivor's guilt" in a healthy way.
Andrew Jackson was the one who pushed for the Indian Removal Act.