Antebellum New Orleans was to the interstate slave trade what H2O is to life: the key to it all. “More enslaved people from the Upper South moved through the city's slave pens en route to the region's cane and cotton fields than were brought to the entirety of North America during the Atlantic slave trade.”
Social convoy is best describe the relationship of Belle and Frank. As They have received and given much emotional support over the years.
<h3>What is emotional support?</h3>
Emotional support is the support that a person gets emotionally or mentally. The emotional support is very necessary in low situation of life where a person is facing difficulties. It provides strength to the person and give power to fight back with the unappealing things happened in their life.
Thus, it is a social convoy.
For more details about Emotional support, click here:
Jesus responds by telling the parable of the Good Samaritan and asking who was the neighbor to the man who fell to the hands of robbers. (Luke 10:30-37)
B everything pretty much fell/ decreased
The government structure of Mexico is a federal republic.
The type of democracy is a presidential democracy
The head of the government in mexico is Andrés Manuel López Obrador