45% of 76
34.2 is about 34
so 34
If you add Hillary to the friend count, that's 24. So there are 16 boys and 8 girls
Multiply 81.5p and divide 7.5% you get the answer
The cross product of the normal vectors of two planes result in a vector parallel to the line of intersection of the two planes.
Corresponding normal vectors of the planes are
<5,-1,-6> and <1,1,1>
We calculate the cross product as a determinant of (i,j,k) and the normal products
i j k
5 -1 -6
1 1 1
=(-1*1-(-6)*1)i -(5*1-(-6)1)j+(5*1-(-1*1))k
Check orthogonality with normal vectors using scalar products
(should equal zero if orthogonal)
Therefore <5,-11,6> is a vector parallel to the line of intersection of the two given planes.
It’s the heigh. Times the radius and volume
h= V/r