Availability of the pill had an impact on various aspects of social life, including women's health, fertility trends, laws and policies, religion, interpersonal relationships and family roles, feminist issues, and gender relations, as well as sexual practices among both adults and adolescents.
Alright my friend the answer to your question will be true let's put an example in to inform why it is alright so say you and your cousin look a like that's because the genetics are similar but not exactly the same
Phosphorus cycle in nature is a unique cycle compared to the other natural biological and chemical cycles such as the carbon, nitrogen, sulfur and water cycles, as there is no gaseous phase in the phosphorous cycle. Due to the prevailing atmospheric temperature and pressure which are not appropriate for the formation of gases associated with phosphorus, the compounds in nature where phosphorus can be found are not gases. Phosphorus can therefore be found majorly in sedimentary rocks.
A. Mobility
That Organism is a Prokaryote, The strings behind it helps the organism move around. If it didn't had those strings, the prokaryote would float around and it would have a hard time finding food to consume and survive.
The three parts of the cell theory are as follows: (1) All living things are made up of cells, (2) Cells are the smallest units (or most basic building blocks) of life, and (3) All cells come from preexisting cells through the process of cell division.