Arthritis is a joint disorder involving joint inflammation.Pain is often localized to only the affected joint. Osteoarthritis is a wear and tear type of arthritis often affects aging population affecting joints in hands,knees and lower back. Heberden's node is an example and develops around middle age thus Wendell might have this.
Niches, trophic levels, and ecological processes of a biological community.
the point of science is to disprove hypothesis so having a hypothesis that doesn't allow that to happen is not good science
2. they don't fit in our mouths so are a trait from when we had larger jaws
3. bones of your lower jaw, middle ear and voice box (they aren't actually gills fyi, they just look like them)
4. likely yes as their bones were hollow but likely only able to fly short distances, the thought was that they couldn't do their size and weight but with hollow bones they were able to like a quail would
5. no because they could be sister taxa, you would have a hard time proving exactly that this new fossil is the common ancestor that birds came from to replace the old hypothesis (guess) of which one did.