A Special Day Beep beep beep... the sound of my alarm clock went off. It was seven o'clock in the morning. I was still very sleepy. I didn't want to wake up yet and was just rolling around in bed. I couldn't go back to sleep now that I'm awake. I was laying in bed planning out my day. Today is a very special day for me and I want everything to be perfect. Today is my sweet 16 Birthday. I'm happy but worry at the same time. I wanted to go to school dress in the prettiest outfit
Loved because more people will be nice to you and if your hated people will be rude to you
Dear John,
How are you? Are you feeling well? How's the weather there? I hope you're doing well there too and I'm fine here.
Lately these days, I have picked up a new interest of sports. These days, I seem to be having increasing interest in batminton. I first saw about it when I was rewatching the 2020 Summer Olympic. Their posture and the way of their reflexes moves is increadibly amazing to me and so, I tried to practice doing it like them. Obviously it's not going to be easy but then, just as the wording goes, if you work hard slowly, you'll surely success. Recently, there's a batminton contest in my school and I remembered that you used to be the championship in badminton.
It would be delightful for you to join me soon. It would be an amazing experience for you to join me here since I'll also learn from you and also will try using my skills there.
Until then, take care of yourself.
Take care,
Kind regards,
I remember getting the phone call that changed my life forever. One minute I was reading a book, waiting for my brother to get home. He was running late that night, but I didn't think anything of it. Then, the phone rang. The voice on the phone was sharp and monotonous, but there was the slightest tinge of pity. It felt like someone had rammed a mallet into my stomach when I heard he died. I clenched the telephone with all my strength. It felt like I was going to crush it. At that moment, a mist of deep sorrow clouded over me and everything I felt was pain. The effects of my anguish were almost numbing; I couldn't feel anything but the dull pounds of torture in my head. The world was gone to me.