The emigration of an animal, in this case of the antelope, is the cause of the lack of food.
The animals are in constant search of food and better places to cohabitate. Antelope is leaving its herd to find a better place for food and even if it sounds strange, animals are also behaving as individuals in case there is threatening of hunger.
Those organisms survive and maintain its population who are chosen by natural selection.
This statement means that when the population experiences a new set of environmental conditions, two things are happened i. e. the population either adjusts through natural selection or becomes extinct. The fossil of dinosaur indicates that extinction occur due to changed in the environment. If the population made changes in itself and adapt the environment then the organism survive otherwise extinction occur.
wrong thing will be produced
DescriptionPineapple juice is a liquid made from pressing the natural liquid from the pulp of the pineapple tropical plant. Numerous pineapple varieties may be used to manufacture commercial pineapple juice, the most common of which are Smooth Cayenne, Red Spanish, Queen, and Abacaxi.
by experimenting the layers of the earth