Revenues come mainly from tax collections, licensing fees, federal aid, and returns on investments. Expenditures generally include spending on government salaries, infrastructure, education, public pensions, public assistance, corrections, Medicaid, and transportation.
Answer: C She was the icon for women in wartime production protreying that women can do the same jobs men did when they were not at war
The right answer is D.
When states join international organizations, they willingly agree to some limitations on its sovereignty. They cede some sovereign authority to the collective body. So, a powerful country that is reluctant to give up political autonomy is the least likely to join an intergovernmental organization.
Actually, yes, it happens everywhere. most of the time some people believe in their own beliefs and get too hard headed and shallow to even process that not everyone has the same beliefs/practices that doesn't mean they're right nor wrong just different. like Atheism & Christianity; its a huge topic people discuss that usually always turns heated.
B They knew the cost of war and were slow to respond to any conflict.