This figure illustrates 3 hypotheses of how a cancer stem cell may arise: (1) A stem cell undergoes a mutation, (2) A progenitor cell undergoes two or more mutations, or (3) A fully differentiated cell undergoes several mutations that drive it back to a stem-like state.
Rhizopus is a genus of common fungi that develops on plants and specialized parasites on animals, it is fairly common in all kinds of foods like mature fruits, jellies, syrups, bread, peanuts, etc. They develop hyphae called rhizoids on this food and can be visible.
Ovaries, Uterus, Testes
Ovaries are what carry the Zygote's (eggs) and the Uterus is where a fertelized grows into a baby. If the egg is not fertilized in a certain amount of time the egg becomes infertile, the body goes through a 3-7 day cycle of menstruation. The Testes are the organs (balls) which carry sperm cells, which will fertilized a healthy egg.