A Light Year is a mesurement of 5.879e+12 miles Compressed into one unit of mesurement or a "Light Year"
Light Years are used in the measurement of the universe because, to put it simply, SPACE IS BIG! The use of Light Years (5.879e+12 miles) Breaks the observable universe down into manageable chunks for astrologists.
c. Increased reabsorption of phosphate in the kidneys
d. Increased deposition of calcium into the bones.
Hyperphosphatemia is a condition that is expressed particularly in people with a kidney dysfunction. It comprises the kidneys, which do not excrete enough phosphate from the body as they reabsorbe it and thus leading to increased phosphate levels.
Also, phosphate binds calcium with high affinity, provoking acute hypocalcemia (decreased levels of calcium). In Hyperphosphatemia, calcium is being deposited mostly in the bone but also in the extraskeletal tissue.
When a virus attacks a cell, it kills the cell and the virus multiplies to spread throughout the body
Any insect unlucky enough to land on the mouth-like leaves of an Australian pitcher plant will meet a grisly end. The plant's prey is drawn into a vessel-like ‘pitcher’ organ where a specialized cocktail of enzymes digests the victim.
Now, by studying the pitcher plant's genome—and comparing its insect-eating fluids to those of other carnivorous plants—researchers have found that meat-eating plants the world over have hit on the same deadly molecular recipe, even though they are separated by millions of years of evolution.