The correct answer is B
Decentralized is the process in which the power, functions are distributed or dispersed from the central location or authority to the lower level of the management.
So, in a organization or company which is decentralized where lower level managers are empowered for taking a decision leads to increase in the motivation as well as the job satisfaction of the employees.
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Answer and explanation:
Externalized costs are costs that the society pays that are generated by producers and the consumers of the product. The common example is the use of petrol. If I own a car and I don't like riding bicyle for smaller distances, this means the Carbon dioxie emission caused due to me have to be born by the society. This means that the net effect would be a loss to society caused by the usage of products that are injurious to our ecosystem.
UK has targeted to achieve zero Carbon dioxide emission by 2050, which shows their commitment to social responsibility and we keep dumping things in the oceans because nobody acknowlegdes the damage caused by using plastic made products and also not recycling it. After plastic into the oceans the marine life suffers. The Carbon Dioxide emission is one of the main reasons why the glaciers are melting and many animals are dying annually. We unaware with our responsibilities to our society and love profits no matter if someone dies or get harmed by the operations of the company or using products that have greater externalized costs.
In a typical resume, you will find first, your name and contact information. after that, you will be putting your educational background meaning what high school and university you graduated from. This will be followed by your work experience meaning all the jobs that you have been in whether part time or full time. next, you will be putting all of the organizations that you join whether they be during your high school year or college year. After that, you will list down some of the research papers you made. Lastly, you will be listing down some of your skills and your best personality traits
Green computing is an efficient and Eco-friendly use of computers and other electronics. Eco-friendly or environment friendly are marketing terms and sustainability that referring to goods, services, policies and guidelines that reduce or minimize any harm on the ecosystem or environment. Green computing involves study of designing, manufacturing, using and disposing of computing devices in a way that does not harm the environment.