It is a process through which the authority of an organization is delegated to lower managers. The lower managers are given more responsibility which is the opposite of the centralization in which the decision making power is concentrated in the hands of a few people. The top-level managers take all the decisions in the organization with centralized authority.
In decentralized authority, lower managers can decide on their own as long as it is in sync with the overall goal of the organization, but the authority to take static decisions and control and coordination remain in the hands of top-level managers.
Different aspects to be considered:
First of all, the steakhouse probably has the most clients between 6 to 8 PM, that is why discounts are not offered during that time.
Second, the discount is offered to only a certain group, employees of other stores, because it is a promotional strategy aimed at increasing the number of clients during slow hours. Since this is a fancy place, it is probably expensive also. Most employees would not actually eat there except on a special event, e.g. birthday or anniversary dinner. Even with the 20% discount, not many of them will actually eat there.
This is something nice to offer, since a shopping mall is a close environment where a lot of different people work together, even if very few will actually take the offer. It is normal that different stores have distinct promotions for the employees that work there. It is similar to offering perks that help create a better working environment between the employees of different stores.
The day of the week a golf course is mostly likely to be closed on is Monday. =)
<span>Francine would be considered an entrepreneur because she is someone who initiates and assumes the financial risk of a new business enterprise.
</span>An entrepreneur is defined as someone who owns and operates a business or businesses and takes on a greater than normal financial risk to do that. An entrepreneur starts their own business and puts everything they have into making it successful, no matter the risk, they tend to take it to become successful.<span>
The shelves must be at least SIX [6] INCHES above the floor. This is necessary in order to facilitates proper cleaning of the floors, the unobstructed space below the shelf will make it easier to clean the underneath of the shelves. This will prevent cockroaches and other kitchen pests from habouring the space.