Compare: Estimate, measure, or note the similarity or dissimilarity between.
Contrast: Compare in such a way as to emphasize differences.
Therefore, to contrast is to compare. They mean the same thing. So, just write the differences and similarities between the two texts and you should be fine. It doesn;t matter what subject or topic it is, just stick to the guidelines..
Personification is defined as <em>attributing human characteristics to nonhuman</em>, or in this case, attributing the characteristics of "<em>stooping</em>" and "<em>leans down</em>" to the sky. The sky does not technically stoop or lean down, but is described as such.
Learn more about personification, here:
Counting by 7s' main character is Willow Chance, a little girl who has lost two sets of parents in her short life - she never knew her blood parents and her adoptive ones die in a terrible accident.
They want to keep their childhood