Master Sergeant Raul Perez "Roy" Benavidez
Master Sergeant Raul Perez "Roy" Benavidez (August 5, 1935 – November 29, 1998) was a member of the United States Army Special Forces (Studies and Observations Group) and retired United States Army master sergeant who received the Medal of Honor for his valorous actions in combat near Lộc Ninh, South Vietnam.
The vast majority of those who were enslaved and transported in the transatlantic slave trade were people from central and western Africa, who had been sold by other West Africans to Western European slave traders (with a small number being captured directly by the slave traders in coastal raids)
He didn't care much about imposed gender roles. He was open minded and only wanted for Scout to be happy and to be a good person. He didn't mind if she behaved like boys did as long as she grew up to be a good person who helps others and is compassionate. This is opposed to the beliefs of her Aunt which believes that Scout should not behave as she is behaving and that she should wear dresses and learn manners like a lady and be more lady-like, as she describes it. Atticus doesn't care about things like this and cares about Scout's upbringing as a person more.
Religious priestess is the answer.