Answer: Turkey long denied the occurance of the Armenian Genocide, and repressed any discussion on the matter. With Turkey intending to (at the time) join the EU and strengthen ties with Europe, it proved important to both discuss the horrors of the genocide, and provide a platform for free speech. While this platform was tarnished somewhat by the government's persistant denial of crimes (and the actions of Ergodan himself), it was nonetheless influential.
In the beginning they had the strongest military to start with. Then they had won in Paris and took over it.
ancient greeks are usually described as having lived between when Homer (who wrote the Illiad & Obyssey) was alive - around 750bc to the time of the fall of the roman empire which is about 480ab
El multiculturalismo es el apoyo gubernamental a las instituciones culturales y religiosas y a las comunidades de la minotridad. Es importante, ya que incluye la diversidad socioeconómica, cultural y política y puede ir más allá de las concepciones actuales de la democracia.
Multiculturalism is government support for cultural and religious institutions and communities of minority. It is important, as it includes socio-economic, cultural and political diversity and can go beyond the current conceptions of democracy.