Heroic character of a lopsided leader displays courage, charisma, character, discipline, and bravery but too forceful and strategic. They are careful planners and strategists and strict followers of order
I think D is the correct with my explanation
First they started training officers in teams rather that sending two or three officers to the state training academy. Instead of giving them four weeks of training they gave them ten and the experimented with an apprenticeship where they paired new personal with veterans and they got better at the work. They added verbal de-scalating skills and they made it part of the force. It was the non-force use of force. They trained the inmates in the skills. They changed the skills set, reducing violence not just acting against it. Third, they expanded their facilities and they tried a new type of design. The biggest and most controversial part of this design was the toilet. There were no toilets. They might not sound significative today but at that time it was huge. The units were cleaner, safer and more humane.
bias is built into the operation of social institutions.
Institutional prejudice and discrimination refers to the fact that bias is built into the operation of social institutions.