Because he wants to take the money- C.
An incident that showed authority overcoming personal conscience was the torture of Iraqi prisoners in 2004, at the hands of U.S. soldiers in the Abu Ghraib prison.
Even after the superiors were informed of the abuses, nothing changed, showing there was common practice for the authorities, and therefore, for the soldiers under their command.
The correct answer is that this sentence tells us about Gatsby and the West egg culture is the extravagants and luxury which Gatsby lives by.HE would have so much, from the best but it would all go to waste.
12 Things You Do That Are Holding You Back From Success. You compare yourself to others. You ask yourself the wrong questions. You wait for others' permission. You wait for the “right” time. You expect instant results. You don't take action. You create fake busyness. You listen to everyone but yourself.
A your work and the work of others