The Depression was a good preparation for WWII-Americans had learned to scrimp and persevere. It took more than 6,000 people to provide food, equipment, medical services, and transportation to 8,000 soldiers. In addition, many raw materials, such as rubber, manila fiber, and oil, were in short supply. Nevertheless, Americans rose to the occasion. When FDR called for the production of 50,000 planes in a year, it was thought to be ridiculous. By 1944, the country was producing 96,000 a year. Technology blossomed.
Justinian I – Emperor who ruled the Eastern Ro- man Empire, or Byzantine Empire, from 527–565 ce and ordered all Roman law compiled into a multi-part work referred to as the compilation of Justinian and later named the Corpus iuris civilis.
Monotheistic rulers monotheistic is the belief in one god
Answer: Cosmopolitan means that there are people originating from many different nations and cultures residing there.