Necessary Corrections: First Name and Last Name are recorded in incorrect boxes. Scribbles on errors instead of making corrections Does not include information in the SSN or Desired Salary blank Does not list which position she is applying for Has box checked that she has worked for the company, but does not say when For education just wrote “Yes” instead of listing the high school and address Justification: All of this make the applicant appear less professional and hurt her chances of getting hired. She is not following the directions properly, and she is not asking questions so that she can accurately fill out the application.
Telescreens are devices that operate as televisions, security cameras, and microphones.
A television is an electronic communication medium that allows the transmission of real-time visual images, and often sound while a telescreen is a television and security camera-like device used to keep things or people under constant surveillance, thus eliminating the chance of secret conspiracies.
It could be employed in secretly investigating criminals and terrorists.
It could also play a major role in politics by investigating suspicious government officials and those that plan Ill towards a nation.
It would definitely be a great idea to install one of such.
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